Song Saa Private Island is the resort spans the islands of Koh Oun and Koh Bong, Connected by a footbridge over a marine reserve that have established to safeguard the islands'reef and marine life including turtles, seahorses and exotic species of tropical fish.

It is a private island but will be opened for public by late 2011. It is a good place to relax with marine life around your body. On two islands you can enjoy beach villa, rainforest and more. The building there is made with sustainable materials to make thing more natural.
In the warm sapphire waters of the Gulf of Thailand, Cambodia’s islands nestle like dazzling natural jewels. Song Saa Private Island lies secluded in this magnificent seascape, just 35 minutes by boat from the port of Sihanoukville.
Koh Rong is a very famous island to visit and if you taking at the side of the island, you will notice two island side by side. The two islands are called “Koh Song Sa” meaning in English as Sweetheart Island”. One is called “Bong” and other called “Oun”.
Most of the islands remain undeveloped – deserted oases of virgin rainforests, tropical reefs and glistening white beaches.

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